WCF Best Practices
Windows Communication Foundation is a huge technology and one that is easy to implement badly. Luckily Mehran Nikoo has collated a selection of WCF best practices in his blog:
It covers versioning, hosting and security, all of which are worth reading in detail.
Two highlights for me are the problems with using the ‘Using’ statement with WCF clients and the two HTTP concurrent connection restriction built into System.Net.
It is now quite common practice to wrap calls to objects that implement IDispose within a ‘Using’ statement and many WCF sample code snippets in text books and online use this method. Using this pattern though has since been shown to be far from ideal as it hides a potential source of errors and can result in unhelpful generic exceptions being thrown and the original exception being hidden. I have witnessed this recently where a service call reported an odd generic transport exception but when removed from the ‘Using’ statement the original exception was caught and was easily resolved. Checkout the above link for the recommended approach using try/catch blocks.
There is a HTTP specification that enforces a maximum of just two concurrent connections with a remote server at any time. This restriction may have a negative effect on your WCF client application. It can be adjusted via configuration files (app.config, web.config or machine.config) with this setting:
<add address="\*" maxconnection="6"/>
Adjusting this setting may of course have side effects, for example an increase in CPU usage etc. It is strongly recommended that you test out the right setting for your application and also follow Microsoft’s guidelines in this article.