
Visual Studio 2019 Offline Installer

Microsoft have now released Visual Studio 2019 and like VS2017 there is no offline installer provided by Microsoft, but you can generate one by using the web installer setup program to write all the packages to disk.

To create the offline installer just download the usual web installer exe from the Microsoft download site and then call it from the command line passing in the layout flag and a folder path like this:

vs_community --layout “C:\Setup\VS2019Offline”

In the example above I’m downloading the Community version, but if its the Enterprise editions installer then the setup file you downloaded will be called vs_enterprise.

The packages will all be downloaded and a local setup exe installer created.

If you want to limit to English then pass --lang en-US flag too.

vs_community --layout “C:\Setup\VS2019Offline” --lang en-US

You can also limit what workloads to download if you know their names by listing them after a --add flag.

Enjoy your offline installs.

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