
Moving Sonar Rules closer to the Developer with ESLint

Shift code quality analysis to the left by moving your static analysis from the CI/CD pipeline to the developers IDE where possible. In this post I cover what we did, how to set up Sonar Lint and how we ultimately moved the Sonar rules into ESLint instead.


As a development team working on a JavaScript application we sometimes had issues where a difference between the rules enforced in our CI/CD pipeline, using SonarQube, and local rules, using ESLint, led to discrepancies in standards and ultimately, at times, broken builds. If you are enforcing rules in your project and in the CI/CD pipeline with SonarQube then indeally you need them to mostly match but this is not as easy as it sounds. Any failure in the pipeline are more time-consuming to resolve than if they happened locally before the developer pushed their code to the repository.


Import the Sonar rules into ESLint and force ESlint in both the IDE and the CI/CD pipeline.

In order to strike a balance of quality assurance and flexibility in the implementation of rules we introduced an approach that combines ESLint and Sonar rules with the emphasis on shift-left with rule enforcement done in the IDE as code is written and then re-enforced later in the CI/CD pipeline.

Firstly, Sonar Source (developers of SonarQube) provide a plugin for several IDEs (including VSCode) called SonarLint that helps address the issue of running Sonar rules in an IDE. Once installed it will analyse your code against default Sonar rules and report issues. What if you’re not running the default set of rules on your Sonar server, well no worries as the plugin can be set to connect to your server and download the right quality profile and rules.

To do this install the SonarLint extension into your IDE (many are supported, e.g. VS Code, Visual Studio etc) and then set the extension properties as per the instructions for your particular IDE. For VS Code it goes like this:

To link a server set the “sonarlint.connectedMode.connections.sonarqube” setting which has to be a USER setting (oddly). Then in workspace settings for the project you can configure the projectKey for your project. Workspace setting files are created in the .vscode folder in a settings.json file whcih can be added to source control so this only needs to be setup once per project. Once done, press F1 > type sonar > select “SonarLint: Update all project bindings to SonarQube” which will refresh the plugins cache and force it to download the rules from your Sonar server.

Now whilst SonarLint is a useful tool it is not as powerful as ESLint for linting in the IDE (in my opinion). For example ignoring a rule (for a genuine reason) at file or line level is not possible in a satisfactory way (you can only ignore from a line/file from ALL sonar rules). Also Eslint provides more power and flexibility especially where you have a centrally managed sonar server with shared rule profiles and quality gates that are not easy to change (which may be a good thing for your organisation).

So instead of, or even in additon to, SonarLint checking you can actually import the Sonar JavaScript scanner rules into ESLint. To do this install the npm package: eslint-plugin-sonar then configure your ESLint config to use the Sonar js/recommended) JS rules.

  1. npm install eslint-plugin-sonar
  2. Add it to your eslint config file as an extends ..

extends: [

Now ESLint will report quality errors that would previously only been highlighted in Sonar during a CI/CD pipeline build. This immediate feedback is more useful to the dev team and reduces the time wastage associated with broken builds. For us this ensured that apart from a few rules the majority are now in ESLint where developers can see them and resolve them, preventing the need for a CI/CD pipeline to highlight the problem (and broken builds).

To enforce the ESLint rules at build time we run the ESlint analysis during the CI/CD Pipeline by calling ESlint as a build step.

eslint --config eslintrc.json src

This means no ESLint errors will be let through. We also have a Sonar Quality Gate check configured in the Pipeline but as the majority of Sonar rules are now in ESLint we should only get a failure where a rule is breached that is only in the server Sonar Profile.

Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

As an additional step we can also import all the ESlint issues found in to Sonar so that we can see them in the Sonar dashboard. You can export the ESlint rules as JSON for Sonar to import (during the build). To do this run this command in the build (ideally create a new npm script for it) assuming your src folder contains the source:

eslint --config .eslintrc.json --output-file ./eslint-report.json --format json src

Next set this Sonar property in your file or via command line argument (where eslint-report.json is the output report produced above).


Any issues from the ESLint report will then appear in Sonar issues marked with an EsLint badge. It appears warnings are added as majors and errors as Criticals and unfortunately I’ve not yet found a way to change this.

As a side note this command is also useful with eslint to output a HTML report of any errors which is great for reviewing or sharing:

eslint --config .eslintrc.json --output-file ./eslint-report.html --format html src


In summary, quality is being maintained as the same rules are enforced but now developers only need to ensure that ESlint is happy before committing their changes to source control to ensure a smooth server build. To make this easier you can add a new npm run script that runs all pre-commit checks that is triggered automatically (e.g. git hooks) or manually by the developer.

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