Referencing External Controllers in ASP.Net Core 3.x
I recently had a situation where I needed to include a utility controller and set of operations into every .Net Core Web API that used a common in-house framework. The idea being that by baking this utility controller in to the framework then every API built that references it can take advantage of this common set of API operations for free. The types of operations that this might include are logging, registration, security or health check type API operations that every Micro Service might need to implement out of the box (some perhaps only in certain environments). Anyway I knew this was possible in .Net Core through the use of ApplicationPart and ApplicationPartManager so I thought I’d code it up and write a blog post to remind ‘future me’ of the approach, however it soon became clear that since .Net Core 3.x this is now automatic so this is the easiest blog post ever. That said there are times when you’ll want to NOT automatically include external controllers and so we’ll cover that too.
External Controllers Added Automatically in .Net 3.x
If you’re using .Net Core 3.x or upwards then Core will traverse any referenced assemblies in the assembly hierarchy looking for those that reference the ASP.Net Core assembly and then look for controllers within those assemblies. Any assemblies found are automatically added to the controllers collection and you’ll be able to hit them from your client.
To test this, create a File > New ASP.Net Core Web Project in Visual Studio, then add class libraries to the solution and in those class libraries add Controller classes with the functionality you need. Add the [ApiController] attribute then follow the auto prompt to add the AspNetCore NuGet package. Code your new controller to return something and then add a reference to that new class library project from the original Web API project and you’re done. Run the Web API and try to hit the operation in your new external controller from the browser/postman. It should find the operation in the controller that lives inside the class library project.
This ability to include controllers from external assemblies into the main Web API project has always been very useful but now its just go easier which is great.
Removing automatically added controllers
I can see at least two issues with this automatic approach. Firstly it is a potential security risk as you may inadvertently include controllers in your project via package dependencies and these could be nefarious. This is discussed in more detail in this post along with a way clearing out all ApplicationParts from the collection and then adding the default one back in (reproduced below)
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddControllers().ConfigureApplicationPartManager(o =>
o.ApplicationParts.Add(new AssemblyPart(typeof(Startup).Assembly));
Secondly you may just want to control via configuration which ApplicationParts / Controllers are to be used by the API. In my use case I wanted to be able to allow API developers to be able to disable the built-in utility controllers if required. I can use configuration to drive this and remove the auto discovered controller by Assembly name (as below).
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddControllers().ConfigureApplicationPartManager(o =>
// custom local config check here
if (!configuration.UseIntrinsicControllers)
// assuming the intrinsic controller is in an assembly named IntrinsicControllerLib
ApplicationPart appPart = o.ApplicationParts.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Name == "IntrinsicControllerLib");
if (appPart != null)
// remove it to stop it being used
So as you can see its now easier than ever to add utility controllers into your API from externally referenced projects/assemblies but “with great power comes great responsibility” and so we need to ensure that only approved controllers (or other ApplicationParts such as views) are added at runtime.
Hope you found this useful.